On March 30, 2019, our temple reached a milestone of completing 15 years of noble service to the community in Twin Cities and the surrounding states. To celebrate, Our guest monks Venerable Pallebage Chandrasiri Nayaka Thera and Venerable Pho Thuan was invited. While Ven. Chandrasiri lead an offerings to the 28 Buddhas to invoke blessings upon all devotees and members of our temple, Ven. Pho Thuan cut a cake to celebrate this memorable day as he hosted our monastics at his temple before we move to this current premise.

A documentary of monks and devotees speaking their experiences being involved with temple activities was shown to everyone. The celebration also included slideshow presentation of temple history and artworks.

Everyone enjoyed a free lunch provided by our devotees at House of Curry. Venerable Seewalie gifted each participants with a statue of the Buddha as a  token of appreciation for their loyal support to the temple.

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